Teacher Woo Myung

Born in a humble South Korean village, lived in a time of poverty but worked diligently and Woo Myung’s path led him from a successful career as a businessman to a transformative quest for life’s deeper meaning. His relentless search for enlightenment took him to Gaya Mountain, where he embarked on a profound inner journey.

In January 1996, Woo Myung achieved enlightenment by discarding his own mind world and becoming one with the Universe’s mind. Realizing his destiny is to help humans awaken to the true mind. He realized the key to a fulfilling life lay in letting go of one’s accumulated thoughts and self, he has dedicated himself to guiding others towards Truth and oneness.

Today, he continues to travel the globe, sharing his wisdom and eagerly anticipating the day when all individuals break free from their suffering. His insightful books illuminate the path to enlightenment and serve as valuable companions to meditation practice. Today, there are more than 300 meditation centers in over 40 countries, with hundreds of thousands of practitioners of the 7-step meditation method.